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NEean Signature Event

 2025 Dialogues in the Disciplines

March 21, 2025

Upcoming Webinar

Case Study: Improvements to University Assessment Process Over Time

January 15, 2025

12 noon ET

Join us for our Upcoming Webinar

Start the new year right by attending NEean's

first webinar of 2025!

Case Study: Improvements to University Assessment Process Over Time

January 15, 2025 at 12noon to 1PM ET

Do you want to engage faculty and leadership in the assessment process and in conversations about data? This presentation will share a case study of an institution of about 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students and their effort to centralize an assessment process from across its seven distinct (siloed) colleges and schools over a seven-year period. Discussion will include the strategy that the university is taking to create a culture of trust related to assessment and to make changes to the assessment process based on data collected, analyzed and discussed.

Register Here

This webinar is free for NEean members and costs $15 for non-members.

NEean is proud to offer individual, institutional, and graduate student memberships as well as specially priced memberships for those from federally recognized minority-serving institutions.  Learn more about our membership benefits and options HERE.

The New England Educational Assessment Network was founded in 1995 by a group of higher education professionals interested in creating a regional network to support the exchange of ideas related to assessment. Our mission is to enhance student learning and development by promoting and supporting evidence-based assessment. 

Member benefits include free registration to NEean webinars, discounts to NEean in-person events, a subscription to the Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness (JAIE), and access to our library of materials from past events, webinars, and recorded sessions (under the Member Materials tab).

Be sure to log into the website in order to access member only materials!

Haven't joined us yet this year? Membership renewal available here!

Our sponsors make us great!

We appreciate their support this year!

Thank you to HelioCampus, sponsor of the

2024 NEean Fall Forum.

If you are interesting sponsorship opportunities, please email our Executive Director

NEean is grateful to the foundations, corporations, and other entities whose generous support enables us to develop and expand our work with and on behalf of our members. Inclusion of the name or logo of a corporation, foundation, or any other entity on the NEean website or within NEean materials does not imply endorsement by NEean. Sponsorship of NEean or its events or publications does not imply endorsement of any product or service.

New England Educational Assessment Network

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